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About this site

Copyright Policy

All text information, trademarks, videos, images, etc. provided on the Osaka Underground Shopping Center official website (hereinafter referred to as "this site") are subject to copyright protection. The handling and use of these copyright protection objects is as follows.
  1. (1) For personal use, display, duplication, and printing are permitted only if it is not diverted to an environment that can be viewed by a third party or not used for commercial purposes. However, when using it, it is necessary to display copyright etc.
  2. (2) In addition, for use for purposes other than (1), you can re-use, duplicate, and redistribute only after applying in writing to the General Affairs Division of the General Affairs Department of the Company in advance and obtaining official permission. However, use that is misunderstood by the user cannot be permitted.

About links

The link to this site is free in principle. However, please keep in mind the following points. The websites of third parties other than us that link from or to this site (hereinafter referred to as "link sites") are managed by their respective responsibility and are under the control of our company. We are not responsible for the contents of the linked sites or for any loss or damage caused by using them.


  1. (1) Acts that cause disadvantage or damage to our company or a third party, infringe on property or privacy, damage honor or credibility, or may cause such acts.
  2. (2) Acts that violate public order and morals, criminal acts or acts that lead to crimes, or acts that are likely to do so.
  3. (3) Acts for the purpose of business activities or profit, or acts for the purpose of preparation.
  4. (4) Acts that use or provide harmful programs such as computer viruses, or acts that may cause them.
  5. (5) Acts that violate laws, laws and regulations, or acts that are likely to do so.
  6. (6) Other acts that we deem inappropriate.


  1. (1) The use of this site is at your own risk, and we do not assume any responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused by using this site.
  2. (2) We take great care when posting information on this site, but we do not guarantee the accuracy, validity, suitability for the purpose of use, or safety of the content.
  3. (3) We may change or delete the contents without notice. In addition, the operation of this site itself may be interrupted or discontinued without notice.

Recommended environment

OS: Windows7 /Windows8
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher
Resolution: 800 x 600 pixel or more

About JavaScript

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If the JavaScript function is disabled, it may not be displayed correctly.
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Cheer up Osaka from the basement. It is in Chika that both exciting, exciting and exciting.