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  2. Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Basic Policy on Handling Personal Data

We recognize the importance of personal data, comply with laws and regulations, and handle personal data appropriately in order to ensure that our customers use our services with peace of mind and trust.

2. Definition of Personal Data

Personal data refers to "personal information" and "anonymously processed information" in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, as well as customer numbers, cookie information, IP addresses, and terminal identification. Information about an individual, such as identifier information such as IDs and location information, browsing history and purchasing history, and other personal information such as customer behavior history information, which means a wide range of information whose relationship with an individual cannot be identified.

3. Handling of Personal Data

The Company shall handle personal data in a fair and impartial manner, from the acquisition, storage, operation, and disposal of personal data.

4. Purpose of Use of Personal Data

(1) The purpose of our acquisition and use of personal data is as follows.
①For the provision and operation of our services
②To respond to inquiries from customers
③For employment, recruitment, and personnel management

(2) The Company will use personal data to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use announced or announced in advance. However, when using the service beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, we will respond appropriately, such as by obtaining laws and regulations and obtaining the consent of the individual.

5. Internal System

The Company appoints a general manager and covers the entire company. We manage personal data.

6. How to manage personal data

We will take various security measures to prevent unauthorized access, diversion, loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal data in order to maintain the accuracy and ensure the safety of personal data.

7. Supervision of contractors

When outsourcing the handling of personal data, the Company concludes a contract with the outsourcing company regarding the safety management of personal data, and supervises that the outsourcing company manages personal data appropriately.

8. Provision of personal data to third parties

We will not provide personal data to third parties without the prior consent of the customer, except as permitted by law. In addition, when providing personal data other than personal information to a third party, we will announce in advance the items of personal information contained in the personal data and the method of providing it. If the personal data corresponds to anonymously processed information, the third party will clearly indicate that the information provided is anonymously processed information.

9. Procedures for disclosure, correction, etc. of retained personal data

When the Company is requested to disclose retained personal data, the Company shall disclose it to the individual without delay. If your personal information about yourself is incorrect, you may request the Company to correct, add or delete the retained personal data by the procedures prescribed by the Company.

10. Requests for disclosure, correction, etc., and contact information for consultation and complaints

Osaka Chikagai Co., Ltd. General Affairs Division Phone: 06-6948-6200

11. Respect for Customer Intents

In order to reflect the will of our customers, we will endeavor to respond to our services that use personal data, such as providing opportunities for customers to select their use or suspend use.

12. Ensuring transparency

We will explain the acquisition, use, and management of personal data in an easy-to-understand manner and ensure transparency.

13. Continuous improvement

We will continuously review and improve the personal data management system and internal rules to ensure the proper provision and operation of our services. In addition, in order to ensure the safe operation of personal data, we will provide training and training necessary for employees.

≪Personal Information Manager≫
Osaka Chikagai Co., Ltd.
2-1-15, Sennichimae, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi
President and Representative Director Akira Inoue

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