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  1. TOP
  2. Company Information
  3. Organizations and Corporate Officers

Organizations and Corporate Officers

Organization Chart As of June 29, 2023

Organization Chart

Executive Officers

President and Representative Director Akira Inoue
Executive Vice President Tetsuo Tsujikawa
Director Masaki Katsumura
Director Hironobu Misaki
Director Keizo Hakui
Corporate Auditors Takashi Takada
Part-time director 5 people
Part-time auditor 2 people

Company Information

  • Company Overview
  • Organizations and Corporate Officers
  • Business Conditions
  • Other Operations
  • Management facilities
  • Disaster prevention in underground malls
  • History of Underground Shopping Centers
  • Notice
  • Job Opportunities
  • Access

Cheer up Osaka from underground. Chika also has fun with excitement, excitement and excitement.