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Whity Umeda Phase 2 passageways

Thank you very much for your continued use of our underground shopping mall.
Whity Umeda is now undergoing major renovations in the Whity Umeda Phase II area, including IZUMINOHIROBA.

As a result of this renewal work, all stores in the target area will be closed on May 6, 2019, and the aisle in the area will be completely closed from May 9th. In addition, the stairs connected to the ground in the area, elevators, toilets, etc. will no longer be available.

During the construction period, we will cause any inconvenience or inconvenience to you.
Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

Please check here for more information.

Company Information

  • Company Overview
  • Organizations and Corporate Officers
  • Business Conditions
  • Other Operations
  • Management facilities
  • Disaster prevention in underground malls
  • History of Underground Shopping Centers
  • Notice
  • Job Opportunities
  • Access

Cheer up Osaka from underground. Chika also has fun with excitement, excitement and excitement.