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  2. Notice



Received the Group Application System for Employment of Persons with Disabilities

The Osaka Chikagai Co., Ltd. is based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities.
As a group company of OsakaMetro Group, effective February 15, 2024
Received certification under the Group Application System for Employment of Persons with Disabilities (Special provisions for Affiliated Companies)
I'll let you know.
For more information, please visit the OsakaMetro website below.

Click here for details.

Company Information

  • Company Overview
  • Organizations and Corporate Officers
  • Business Conditions
  • Other Operations
  • Management facilities
  • Disaster prevention in underground malls
  • History of Underground Shopping Centers
  • Notice
  • Job Opportunities
  • Access

Cheer up Osaka from underground. Chika also has fun with excitement, excitement and excitement.